Vim Markdown

Iamcco / markdown-preview.vim is a markdown preview plug-in that supports windows, Linux and Mac OS at the same time. With the following configuration, you can preview the current notes with one key. Let g:mkdppathtochrome='chrome' let g:mkdpautoclose=0 nmap MarkdownPreview nmap StopMarkdownPreview outline. I write documentation in markdown using ViM and I also put math using the latex $$ symbol (I compile using pandoc). The thing is that ViM syntax wouldn't ignore the underscores inside the dollar symbols and it is pretty annoying. For instance if I write this.

Vimwiki is a personal wiki for Vim – interlinked, plain text files written in a markup language

  • organize notes and ideas and quickly create links between them
  • manage todo-lists
  • write a diary


  • three markup syntaxes supported: Vimwiki's own syntax, Markdown, MediaWiki
  • export everything to HTML
  • link to other wiki pages and external files
  • search through all wiki pages
  • outline notes and tasks in indented lists
  • quickly manipulate numbered and bulleted lists
  • tag wiki pages or arbitrary places and quickly jump to tags
  • auto-formatted tables


Press <Leader>ww (this is usually ww) to go to your indexpage. By default it is located in ~/vimwiki/

Feed it with the following example:

Place your cursor on Tasks and press Enter to create a link. Press Enter again toopen it. Edit the new page, save it, and press Backspace to jump back to yourindex.

A Vimwiki link can be constructed from more than one word. Just visuallyselect the words to be linked and press Enter. Try it with Project Gutenberg.The result should look something like:

See :h vimwiki for the full documentation.

Basic markup (default syntax)

For other syntax elements, see :h vimwiki-syntax

Key bindings

  • <Leader>ww – Open the default wiki index file
  • <Leader>ws – Select and open wiki index file
  • <Enter> – Follow/Create wiki link
  • <Backspace> – Go back to parent(previous) wiki link
  • <Tab> – Find next wiki link
  • <Shift-Tab> – Find previous wiki link

For more keys, see :h vimwiki-mappings


  • :Vimwiki2HTML – Convert current wiki page to HTML
  • :VimwikiAll2HTML – Convert all your wiki pages to HTML

For more, see :h vimwiki-commands

MarkdownVim Markdown

Use the Plugin-manager of your choice to install vimwiki.


Make sure you have these settings in your vimrc file:


Without them Vimwiki will not work properly.

Installation using Vim-Plug

Add the following to the plugin-configuration in your vimrc:

Then run :PlugInstall.

Installation using Pathogen

Vim Markdown Previewer

Alternatively, download the latest version (zip, tar) and extract it into ~/.vim/bundle/

Vim Markdown Math

Then launch Vim, run :Helptags and then :help vimwiki to verify it was installed.